IC Magazine (A publication of the Center for World Indigenous Studies), May 15, 2015, By Rucha Chitnis
Film Series on Public TV Reveals Profound Insights on the Significance of Sacred Lands & Indigenous Worldviews
"'You've been trying to instruct Indians to be capitalists ever since you got here. But we don't value what you value.' This quote of Onondaga Faithkeeper Oren Lyons, a respected Native American elder, in the film series Standing on Sacred Ground, sums up an indigenous worldview in sharp contrast with the modern paradigm of profiting from the Earth.
Standing on Sacred Ground is a four-part film series, debuting on The PBS World Channel on May 17, which maps the courage, heartbreaking pain, and philosophies of eight indigenous cultures in seven countries beset with the development ideologies of an industrial world, where mines and fossil fuel extraction are destructive to traditional spirituality and way of life. The films illustrate how a sacred connection to land kindles a deep reverence for the natural world—springs, rivers, mountains, totemic animals and forests, and where this relationship with nature weaves a rich and complex tapestry of culture that is predicated on its health and abundance. ..."